Sadly surrendered by his owners who couldn’t afford the surgery needed to replace his two back hips, 11-month-old Sammy was, ultimately, the most fortunate of puppies.
Despite having severe hip dysplasia in both back legs, he was spared the agony and aftercare of surgery because donors like YOU enabled GRRMF to pay for the cost of a specialist.
Now the source of his adoptive family’s joy and the center of their world, sweet, loving Sammy’s happiest in their company, having his belly rubbed, being petted, touched and groomed, even gently holding their wrist or sleeves at times with his mouth to “lead” them where he wants them to go! He also loves playing with toys, going for walks and spending time in the backyard checking out the lizards, armadillos and squirrels.
Won’t YOU please, then, continue supporting sweeties like Sammy?