As the donations continue to come in, we at GRRMF are beside ourselves with the generosity that has been shown to our rescue by our wonderful donors. We raised over our goal of $60,000 and there are still company matches and checks being processed!
Do you know who you help with your donations on GivingTuesday and throughout the year? Some of the pups were featured during GivingTuesday week and illustrated on our thank you image here.
Read the stories of three special dogs currently in our program who are “work in progress” behaviorally and medically. Read about their successes so far and their special needs of continued care we are able to provide…thanks to you!
Char and Ann, retired and discarded breeder moms from Ohio who are learning how to trust humans, live in a house and that walking on grass is good. Char’s story & Ann’s story
Taja, a unique surprise golden hearted dobie who has captured our hearts as she learns good manners and patient behaviors. Taja’s story
There are many, many more. In fact every dog entering our program relies on the generosity of our financial caregivers as well as every volunteer in our organization.
To our donors listed below and those that wanted to stay anonymous – we couldn’t exist without your generous donations.
We truly thank you all from the bottom of our hearts!
Linda Aitken
Jim and Beth Allen
Donald Ambler
Sue Angle
Animal Pride
Kym Arter
Donna and Michael Auger
Douglas Aziz – From Taffy
Rebecca Bearden – In honor of Maria de Lourdes Souza de Mello
Mark Becker
Cynthia Bennett
Sandra Bennett
Russell Bethea – In memory of Miss Honey Penny, Sweet Pea, Big Boy, Tosh, Roxi & Wrigley
Betty Blacker
Ralph Bogle – In memory of Reggie, Riggins and Felton
Wayne Burgess – In memory of Murphy and Kelsey
Lori Butsko – In honor of Hunter and in loving memory of Roux
Margaret Capodice – In honor of Autumn
Janet Casey
Teresa Crofts
Russell Crowder
Karen Cuccaro
Penny Dalton
Sarah Davis – In honor of Janet and Jeff’s rescue Sunny
Lissette Diaz
Phil Doherty
The Dowdle Family – In memory of Buckaroo
Deborah Drapo
Barbara Durham – In honor of Oakley
Tammy Eagle- In honor of Roux
Linell Ela
Geraldine Engel – In memory of Polly
John Evenden
David Exberger
Kelly Farrow – In honor of Kaciel
Don Ferris – In honor of Molly
Debra Finch
Susan and Pete Fitzgerald
Carol Forsberg – In honor of Maria Colombo-Forsberg
Scott Foss-Kilburn
Bert Francis- In memory of Sadie, Magie, Brady and Eli
Patricia Friedmann – In honor of Kellie
Dennis Gamelin
Mary Garlie – In honor of Clark
Dianne Gerrity
Lisa Glovins – In honor of Hearts of Gold Therapy Dogs
Heidi Goetz
Sharon Gogerty
Kelly Goldberg
Lyda Graser
Susan Gregory
Kathryn Grosse – In honor of Koda Grosse
Joanne Gut
Charles Haker
Clyde Hall
Ethel Hammer
Sarina Hankins
Brittany Hencken
James Herrington
Richard Hildebrand – In honor of Reggie
Todd Hitchins
Linda Marie Holliday – From Bacardi, Montana & Rugby
Dr. JB Holmes
Woodward Hopkins – In honor of our best friend Bella
Darian Hoyt Miller
Elizabeth Johns
Marilyn Jones – In honor of Behr Jones
Sarah Jones
Julie Jordan
Katherine Josleyn – In memory of Marley Josleyn
Lea Kachler-Leake – In honor of Phoebe
Harvey Kansol
Stacy Klemetti – For Healing Hearts dogs
Cynthia Knopka
Tami and Joe Koropsak
Jeffrey Kwasiborski
Rebecca Kumpf – In memory of Razzle Dazzle, Abby, and Lucy
David and Cathy Lee – In memory of Gracie Lee
Coralee Leon
Michael Libbe
Chris Manley
Roschanna Mays
Chelsea McGraw
Vicki Michea
Kristine Molina
Alisson Moore
Kenneth Noack – For Sir Beaux and Leal Oscar
Katie Obringer
Ron Pagano
Maria Perino
Eileen Pittle
Mary Ann Poisson
Charlette Quercia – In memory of Sydney, Sally and Annie
Marsha Reardon
Nancy Rigling
Darla Sanchez
Susan Schneck
Cathy Schultz
Judy and Jerry Sheehan
Ellen Adele Smith
Michael Smith
Cindy and Mike Snedeker – In honor of Summer
Ellen Steiger – In honor of GRRMF Hearts of Gold therapy teams
Garry and Toni Stephenson
Michele Sundquist – In honor of Wallace
Joan Tate
Karolyn Taylor
Stacie Taylor
Amy Tight
Amie Tishkoff
Kathleen Trofatter
James Trout
Eleanor Tubell
Catherine Vargas
Ginger and George Vincent
William Webb – In memory of Coco and Suzy
Wells Family Legacy Foundation
Welsh Charitable Trust
Laura Wood
We would like to thank all involved during the months of preparation for GivingTuesday.
Thanks to our media team writers who wrote the stories of our GivingTuesday featured dogs. Our GivingTuesday event leader, Mary, who is our fantastic Facebook editor who worked not only night and day for months but also during her vacation time to make sure our Facebook posts were up to date. Our media team coordinator, Judy, who kept the web posts, pages and pictures relevant and organized. Our community outreach lead, Mark, who rolled out our new online donation product and kept the fundraising links on both FB and the web working properly and the guidance provided by our advisor, Carol. It truly takes a village, a village of all volunteers. So many other volunteers throughout our organization providing love and care of our rescue dogs, participated in GivingTuesday to share their passion for the breed we all love.