2024 Spring Reunion Wrap-up and Results

2024 Spring Reunion Wrap-up and Results

You knew it was going to be a great day, not a cloud in the sky and a nice, cool breeze.!

It was a day to be thankful for with lots of friends, games, merchandise to buy and dogs, yes lots of dogs. For added information/lists of winners/photographs, can be found by clicking on the orange words throughout this article.

As the day began the American Pride Cadets and their leaders, unpacked the cars and started setting up the doggy games, tables for merchandise, sign in and Hearts of Gold.  The Cadets had been to the reunion before and knew exactly what needed to be done, if just to hold the dog’s leash so one could unpack their belongings for the day.  They are a big help to GRRMF at reunion time.

The welcome table, as usual, was a buzz as everyone signed me, talked with volunteers they hadn’t seen in “forever” (remember Covid?) and signing up for doggie games their pups would play and where to set up “camp” for the day.  Newcomers, along with seasoned volunteers helped each other, set up, and were able to connect and get needed information.  If you had a question, the welcome table had the answer!

After the blessing by Pastor Dave, the doggie games began and what fun to watch pups, grab popcorn, sit/stay and of course fetch.  The champions sported medals of gold, silver and bronze.  Special ribbons were shared with each game participant who could be seen with them tied to their collars with pride!

Other areas were buzzing also, Michael, the photographer from Pawsitive Change Crew had his photo booth set up to with a cute beach scene for family photos, while Tiffany from Pawsitive 4Paws answered many questions regarding training and other doggie concerns.

Once you entered the merchandise area, there was no turning back!  Janet and her team had beautiful baskets, raffle and bingo tickets, plates and an assortment of all things dog.  You couldn’t leave the area without either a ticket, bingo card or purchasing some other doggie items, that you (or your pup) couldn’t live without.

Ginger with her Hearts of Gold teams set up a beautiful display showing how our therapy teams work in Mid-Florida helping others in need.  Of course the therapy pups were available for hugs all day long.  Several interested volunteers raised their paws to become a new handler/dog team and are coming to our April 20th central screening event.  Paws up!

Many thanks to the roving photographers who took fantastic photos, as did the volunteers and people attending.  The link to our Reunion Album, which is growing daily, is below.

As the day came to an end, the cadets helped pack cars and everyone said their goodbyes, don’t be a stranger. What seemed to be heard the most?  I now have a face with the name!

THANKS to our reunion volunteers and others that made this day a wonderful occasion!

For more pictures, check our Facebook page reunion photo album!

Save the Date for the 2024 Fall West Coast Reunion – Saturday, October 26,2024 at Broderick Park 6101 66th Ave N, Pinellas Park, FL 33781.


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