For sweet Sammy, previously Shiloh Jaimme, and his elated family it was love at first sight!
Not only were they excited to meet Sammy and bring him home, they were anxious that something might be different: he sounded too good to be true. But, to their relief and delight, Sammy was even cuter and sweeter than they could ever have imagined!
Ever so endearing, whenever Sammy is excited, he wags his entire butt and squints his eyes. His joy is so visible that it melts everyone’s hearts. He also needs something in his mouth when he’s excited – what they refer to as his “pacifier.” They always have a toy on hand for such moments otherwise he steals a shoe or a throw pillow. And because Sammy LOVES a good cuddle session, they all look to him when they crave some Sammy snuggling!
While he has no desire to swim, Sammy loves when the kids are in the pool. He runs all around it with his tail wagging, excitedly hanging out and playing in any of the water they splash up. He also loves stuffed animals and rope toys, but they don’t last long once he’s gotten hold of them. Luckily for him, his family always has toys around because he loves surrounding himself with a toy or pillow pile that he’s made.
When Sammy first joined his family, he was enrolled in several refresher obedience classes to perfect his leash skills — walking without pulling and curbing his enthusiasm when meeting other dogs. Now he takes full advantage of a small, enclosed blueberry farm owned by family friends, where he especially enjoys meeting one particular doggy pal, playing fetch, running like the wind and exploring.