Harvey Dent Sonny’s Success Story

Harvey Dent Sonny’s Success Story

Typically, a family decides to adopt a dog, right?  Well not in Harvey’s case!  Harvey fell in love with his foster family.  When potential families came to meet him, his foster mom says, he would sit right by her leg and give everyone a look that said, “I’m not going anywhere, lady!”

Harvey now has a loving family that includes parents, 3 cats and golden retriever sister.  Everyone is thrilled that Harvey stayed, especially his new sister.  The two are thick as thieves, chasing each other, wrestling together or just snuggled up side by side.  Harvey loves to go to the park and the beach.  Open the car door and he can’t get inside fast enough, ready for an adventure.  The family took a car trip to Savannah, and Harvey was great.  His mom says, “This was his first vacation with us and definitely won’t be his last! He did so well on the car ride up and enjoyed exploring his new surroundings.”

Harvey also has a gentle and sweet side.  He enjoys being with his parents and wants to give and receive love.  He’s not much of a kisser, but when he does, the look he gives just melts his parent’s heart!  Harvey knew that he was home, right from the beginning.  His new parents and siblings are thrilled that he did too.  Simply put, Harvey is such a love bug! His family couldn’t imagine life without him now!


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