Maggie Scheet

Maggie Scheet

Age: 11 years

Breed: Golden Retriever

Status: Angel

Received Wings: October 2023

Sadly we lost our Hearts of Gold teammate Maggie. Many teams worked alongside Melanie and Maggie at special events and library programs. Maggie just signed on with AdventHealth and brought so much joy to the patients and staff during her visits. She created so many smiles and touched so many hearts in the short time we were blessed to have her as a member of our therapy team. Maggie showed us the true spirit of therapy work every time she wore her Hearts of Gold vest and has left a paw print on all our hearts.

Favorite Treat –  Sweet Potato chews and apples
Fun Facts –  Enjoys having someone chase her with the tennis ball in her mouth; loves restaurant outings with the family

Fly free Maggie with endless apples and tennis ball chasing for you. Until we meet again.


- Want To Adopt -

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