Duchess Ada #4274

Duchess Ada #4274

Age: 7.5 years

Gender: Female

Breed: Golden Retriever Blend

Weight: 91 lbs.

Status: Not Ready For Adoption

Meet Duchess, a true queen with a unique personality that sets her apart from the rest. This elegant canine companion is adorably vocal when seeking your attention, expressing herself with little sighs and grunts that are endearing and charming. Duchess shows humans an abundance of love and affection, making her a devoted and cherished member of any family.

Duchess enjoys leisurely walks, although she may occasionally decide to take a break halfway through, showcasing her delightful quirk of playfully rolling around in the grass. Her tendency to follow you around and desire to be near you highlight her loyalty and affectionate nature.

While Duchess may be hesitant around loud or unexpected noises, she gracefully retreats to her safe space where she feels secure and calm. She also has an aversion to silverware and prefers not to eat peanut butter off a metallic spoon, showcasing her refined tastes and preferences. 

Duchess would thrive in a household where she can be the center of attention and shine like the diamond she is. Duchess is great with children of all ages, enjoying their gentle pets and attention while on walks, making her a perfect companion for families looking for a loving and loyal canine friend.

Embrace the royal presence of Duchess in your home and witness the love, loyalty, and unique quirks that make her the perfect addition to your family. Adopt this majestic pup today and let her grace and charm enhance your life with joy and companionship fit for royalty.



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