The Golden Easter Basket
Though chocolate eggs and bunnies aren’t the right treats for me
There are still many goodies for a Golden Easter basket, you see
And since I’ve been so good, the best dog by far
No digging in mud, behaving during rides in the car
I deserve some treats and toys – things the pet store’s got
Please make it Easter festive, and make sure it’s a lot!
A new stuffed bunny! Someone chewed my old one to shreds
That same someone (probably the cat) even bit off its head!
Here’s a great idea – a new dog bone to chew,
Then when you’re away, I’ll have something to do!
I promise I’ll even let you dress me like a bunny,
I’ll keep the ears on, even though they feel funny.
We’ll take a walk; share Easter greetings – all will say “Awww”!
I’ll greet everyone, give kisses, sit pretty and shake paw.
Then the best reward of all, you know what I like to do?
Relax back at home, enjoying Easter cuddles with you.
by Sue Schneck – GRRMF Volunteer