Lyme Disease and Dogs

Tick Talk: Lyme 101

Lyme disease in dogs is caused by the bite of an infected deer tick. Deer ticks or black legged ticks can be found in Florida. From the time of infection to your dog showing symptoms could take as long as five months. By then the disease has spread throughout a dog’s body.

Symptoms include lack of appetite, weight loss, joint pain or stiffness, and general pain. Sometimes limping will move from one side to another, then disappear only to recur months later. A less common symptom but more troubling one is vomiting.

The best treatment is prevention. Check your dog for ticks and remove them immediately. If you are unsure how to correctly de-tick your dog, take them to your vet. Be careful, as people can be infected as well. If you live near a wooded area or hike regularly your vet may suggest a preventative product.

Treatment for Lyme disease is a four-week regiment of antibiotics.

For more information on tick removal and Lyme disease click here.


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