2022 GRRMF Fall GoldenFest Reunion

2022 GRRMF Fall GoldenFest Reunion

Fun for the entire family – dog friendly pets welcome.

Meet GRRMF coordinators, fosters, adopters, volunteers and many GRRMF supporters.  DogOlypmics, Howl-O-Ween petacular costume contest, guest speakers, toy corral, raffles.

Bring your own picnic lunch.

Visit the GRRMF website for complete schedule:  https://www.grrmf.org/event/2022-grrmf-fall-goldenfest-reunion/



- Want To Adopt -

If you are writing us about adopting a dog and do not have an adoption application on file with us, use this link to review our policies and process and complete an application.

If you have completed our adoption application, and/or have another inquiry, please use the email link to contact us.

Adoption Application Email Us