Father’s Day Orthopedic Donation

Orthopedic Donation

The orthopedic package covers most of the non-spay/neuter surgeries.  These range from a femoral head osteotomy (FHO), a surgical procedure that aims to restore pain-free mobility to a diseased or damaged hip (~$1600) to a triple pelvic osteotomy (TPO), a surgery performed in moderate- to large-breed dogs with early clinical hip dysplasia (HD).  The goals of the procedure are to improve hip congruity, and normalizing stresses of the hip joint. (~$2700)

Next to spay and neuter, these types of surgeries are the most common and costly to GRRMF rescue.

Any amount donated is welcomed and appreciated.


- Want To Adopt -

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If you have completed our adoption application, and/or have another inquiry, please use the email link to contact us.

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