How did you first hear of GRRMF?
When we lost our golden to cancer, my wife and I decided we wanted to adopt another so after an internet search I found GRRMF. I was astounded at the opportunities, especially photographer and transporter . GRRMF was talking my language. I love playing with my camera and driving.
What is your most cherished GRRMF volunteer moment?
Wow, I have so many memories, how can I choose one? Two special transports have moved me the most. One was spending time with Moose at the vet’s office after he was surrendered to GRRMF – he was a very special dog. And the other was transporting a boy I nicknamed Red – I still carry a photo of him.
What surprised you about volunteering for GRRMF?I’m amazed with the number of volunteers, duties, reach, and future plans. While GRRMF is constantly in search of volunteers, we seem to have a whole army that performs a dizzying array of tasks that keep GRRMF going. On top of that, GRRMF is not a static rescue organization – our leaders are constantly striving to improve every facet of the operation to rescue every golden and blend possible.
What would be your best advice to a potential volunteer for GRRMF?
Look at the opportunities, choose one, and jump right in. You’ll find wonderful, caring volunteers who are very dedicated to what they do. Don’t be surprised if, after a while, you find that you, too, want to undertake another role, to do more. What we do is fun and very rewarding.
What is it that touches your heart most often about GRRMF?
Every time I’m called to transport a surrendered dog, I get to look them in the eye. What brought them to this point? The fear they must be feeling. Their world has been turned upside down. Now it’s our responsibility to see that life is saved. When you look at all that GRRMF does, how can your heart not be touched?