Ralphie Ajay’s Success Story

Ralphie Ajay’s Success Story

Woof about doubling one family’s forever paw-leasure!

Ralphie’s forever family received a call from GRRMF saying that two dogs were being surrendered and would they be interested in meeting them. Of course, they said YES! Especially since their golden retriever Honey had recently passed away. They fostered Ralphie and his sister Rue for one month before finalizing the adoption. Then, because they hadn’t been leash walked much in their “prior” life, the family hired a trainer to teach them to be calmer when walked on a leash.

Since their parents’ two sons are older and living on their own, Ralphie and Rue rule the house, and the family’s schedules are set based on feeding and walking them. Ralphie, according to his mom, is a very loving boy who loves to cuddle. Very eager to please, he always brings his parents — and visitors — stuffed animals when they walk in the front door. He’s also very protective of his sister Rue, always looking in her direction when she barks or makes a sound that alerts him. Not only does he LOVE having his belly rubbed, he loves going on walks, chasing lizards, playing catch and jumping in the pool.

The silliest thing Ralphie does happens every morning.  When his parents awaken each day, he runs into their bedroom and then, when he leaves, he leaps over the sofa in the family room to get his favorite toy, a large stuffed NY Mets baseball player. He also likes perching on the arm of the sofa when he hears the garage door open to have a better view of whoever is walking into the house.

Although the family hasn’t taken any trips, they drive Ralphie and Rue to various parks where they enjoy sniffing around and meeting new people and dogs.



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