Lulu’s Success Story

Lulu’s Success Story

When you see John and his Golden, Lu, you’ll notice that Lu is smiling. They’ve only been together for less than one year, but John says he’ll do whatever it takes to provide her with the best life possible. Kirsten, Bambi, Jeanne, and others at GRRMF facilitated this match.

Lu came directly from a surrender situation because she needed to be in a one-dog home and there was no available foster. Lu is John’s tenth Golden. Every day, she accompanies him to his workplace where she’s a greeter, and she goes wherever she’s allowed. Lu remains gentle, sweet, and well-behaved; the noises at John’s workplace don’t spook her.

Every day, after Lu’s workday, she uses little “Woos” to let John know she wants outdoor play. She also uses these sounds to greet people. This Golden is a natural water baby, not passing up any size pool. One of her backyard tricks is returning balls by tossing them from her mouth, and she can also “nose” balls back. When Lu wants to play with her plush toys, she brings them to John for what might become long play sessions. During car rides, which Lu enjoys, she faces John on the rides to the dog park and for swims.

LuLu has been an “angel” and a rock for John, and their relationship continues to grow, partly fueled by her playful nature.


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