The cheerful prince of charm, Chance charmed his way into his family’s hearts as soon as they met!
While his adoring mom admits to being extremely excited, she also confesses to being a little nervous at the prospect of their becoming a two-dog family. But Chance was so easygoing that he made it easy.
From that moment on, the entire family dynamic changed.
Three of his most appealing traits are: He’s a cuddle bug and doesn’t care that he weighs more than half of the family. He’s protective in the best way. He knows where his mom should be at all times, and when she’s not there, Chance will find her, gently grab her wrist with his mouth and take her to where he thinks she should be! He is supremely smart and knows how to tell his family exactly what he needs.
Not only does Chance love being wherever the family is, he loves to play and loves to snuggle just as much (even though he’s a major bed hog). And everyone gets a kick out of him bringing his designated “blankie” with him to the couch when he wants to snuggle.
On the – even – sillier side: His mom dressed up as the Grinch for Christmas last year and came out of her room, intent on surprising the children. Instead she surprised Chance — so much so that he jumped in the air and went running!
As for Chance’s greatest accomplishment: being the “bestest” boy.