Why Spay or Neuter?
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All GRRMF rescued dogs are spayed and neutered for two main reasons:
- To control the pet population.
- To give our dogs the longest and healthiest lives we can offer.
Yes, spaying and neutering has been shown to increase the health and lifespan of dogs. GRRMF spends on average $500 per dog* for spay and neutering, and that is with discounts offered by our partner veterinarians.
Besides stopping the urge to roam or escape to find a mate, sometime leading to altercations with other animals or traffic injuries, neutering prevents testicular cancer and decreases the chance of many prostrate problems. Spaying prevents uterine infections and decreases the risk of breast tumors which can become malignant about 50 percent of the time.
To learn more about Spay and Neuter, click here for our Myths about Spay and Neuter page.
*based on 2024 GRRMF costs (includes pre-op bloodwork, surgery and follow-up)