Fern Aefsky in memory of Gertie
Lynda and John Alfson
Peggy Allen
Sandra Ambler
Donald Ambler in honor of Charlie Haker
Adrienne Archer
Carol Barnett
Mark Becker
Cynthia Bennett in memory of Harrison
Eugene Biglin Jr
Ralph Bogle
Nancy Bond
Susan Bonfanti in memory of Pappy
Jean Brotemarkle
Cheryl Bowling in memory of Leah
Judith Brumbaugh
Nancy Brown
Karen Buss in memory of Holly Shealy
Jim Callaway
Janet Casey
Ryan Collier in memory of Sonny and Dexter
C B Collins
Lisa Conicella
Teresa Crofts in honor of Shelby
Russell Crowder
Robert and Toni Cuff in honor of all of our Goldens
Penny Dalton
Lance Davis
Phil Doherty
Ivette Del Castillo
Jami Demsky
Christopher Dennis in memory of Kadie, Kowboy, and Kiwi
Louise DeTorres in memory of Wagner DeTorres
Karen Dooley in honor of Daisy Mae Dooley
Deborah Drapo in memory of Robert and Ann Drapo
Tom Dunn
Barbara Durham
John Evenden
W. Michael Fagan
Kristin Farrell in honor of Cooper Nevada
Tori Faulkenberry
Wendy Ferjo in honor of Sunny
Debra J. Finch
Susan Fitzgerald
Carolyn Flahaven
Carol Forsberg in honor of our GRRMF Volunteers
Tracy Frandsen
Patricia L Friedmann
Lissette Gallegos
Dennis Gamelin
Dianne Gerrity
Katie Goetz in honor of Kali Goetz
Katie Goetz in memory of Ellie and Chance Goetz
Lyda Graser
Susan Gregory
Douglas Gregory in honor of Shana and Kona
Kenneth Grosse
Alfred J. Gruhler
Joanne Gut
Elizabeth Haberkamp in memory of Preston
Charles Haker
Andy Hall
Lisa E Hantman
Melissa Harrison
Kathryn Hatcher in honor of Klutch
Amy Heimlich in memory of Miracle Max
Nancy Hensel
Todd Hitchins
Mary Hoover in memory of GRRMF Jordan
Gina Hopf
Holly Horton in memory of our beloved Goldens Bailey, Spicey, and LJ
Darian Hoyt Miller in honor of Tannah Banana
Sharon Johns in honor of Micah
M. Jones in memory of Behr and Ruby Too
Julie Jordan
Jason Juday
Joanne Julia
Abby Katabaro
Lysee Kierstein
Jamie Kilpatrick in honor of Brodie
Diane Kingman in honor of Clementine
Stacy Klemetti
Cynthia Knopka
Anthony Kusky
Jeffrey Kwasiborski
Whtney Leake
Janet Ledniczky
Coralee Leon
Michael Libbe
Jennifer Longman in memory of Midas
Bruce MacMillan
Chris Manley
Carol Marshall in memory of Mogan
John McFadden in honor of Logan and Kira from the Sarasota 23
Chelsea McGraw
Beverly McLaughlin in memory of Polly and Annie
Lucille McNair in memory of Bella
Barbara Meehan
Julie Metzgar
Robert Mitchell
Kathryn Mitchell in honor of Abby
John Mitzel
Kristine Molina
Carol Moore
Kevin Neff
Michelle O’Nale in memory of Parker, Hunter and Holly
Karen Oak
Carolyn Olson
Jacqueline Padilla-Fernandez in honor of Norah
Ronald Pagano
Cinda Parker
Jeanie Parker in memory of Granger, the Golden Muggle
Jennifer Patterson in honor of Georgie and Gigi
Victoria Piloseno in honor of Jake Piloseno
Eileen Pittle in honor of Surrey
Karyn Pringle in honor of River, Andy and Dougal
Kathy Prosser
Charlette Quercia in memory of Sydney, Sally and Annie
Lisa Rainey
Thomas Rauzzino
Robin Reams
Marsha Reardon
Nancy Ringling
Gayle Risley in memory of Maggie
Ali Robinson
Sheryl Rossburg
Heather Rousseau
Milan Roy
Ellen Ryan in honor of Carly
Jennifer Sabine in memory of Darby, Willow, Zach and Molly
Andrea Sabol in memory of Huckleberry
Richard Salkowe in memory of Ella Salkowe
Jeanne Savoie
Margaret Schaeffer
Cathy Schultz in honor of Zoie, Corey, Daisy and Stammer
Judy and Jerry Sheehan
Brenda Sheehy in honor of Autumn
Susan Sheely
William and Pat Shepard
Patricia Shively
Michael Smith in honor of Justice, Benson, Cubbins, Dusty, Momma Dog
Cindy and Michael Snedeker in memory of Summer Farah
Tara Sonnanstine in honor of Murphy
George St George in honor of Bella
Teresa Starcher in honor of Teeson
Ellen Steiger in memory of Lyn Holliday
Maureen Stellwag
Toni Stephenson
Jennifer Strickland
Shannon Stults
Carol Summers in honor of Snowy
Michele Sundquist
Stacie Taylor in honor of Hope
David Teply
Maureen Thomas
Eleanor Tubell
Susan and Michael Tucker
Betty Veschio
Ginger and George Vincent
Cynthia Wall
Susan Wardlow in honor of Bella
Donald Wiley in honor of Beau, Sadie, & Jesse
Mary and Robert Wells
Brendan West in honor of Bombay Aces
Barbara White in memory of Barney & Ace
Bruce White
Betsy Yurowski in memory of Lyn Holliday