Tax Countdown!

Tax Countdown!

tax break logo

As a tax deduction there is a short time left in 2016 to help you meet your goals. Donate to our Golden Angel campaign which ends December 31st. Your donation means so much to our goldens!
Your support has been so important in the care and medical treatment of every golden that comes to GRRMF. Avg expense for care of a dog in rescue is approximately $2000 per dog without special surgical costs. Thank you for helping so many goldens in need this year. With your donation, we can continue to save more precious goldens, like our precious Forrest,  in 2017!

See Forrest’s adorable first Christmas video  in 2016 and how much she has changed from when we rescued her in August. You made the difference!!#3428ForrestJoanAFP




- Want To Adopt -

If you are writing us about adopting a dog and do not have an adoption application on file with us, use this link to review our policies and process and complete an application.

If you have completed our adoption application, and/or have another inquiry, please use the email link to contact us.

Adoption Application Email Us