Golden Independence Day

Golden Independence Day

American Flags and golden

A Golden Independence Day

Saluting the flag of the great USA

golden tail wagging high this Independence Day.

Proudly wearing a collar of red, white and blue

hey, let’s celebrate with a delicious barbecue!

But first, a parade, with new friends to greet

paws walking right in step, maybe I’ll earn a treat.

We can go for swim to cool off and have fun

then stretch out to dry, soak up some sun.

I’ll nap in the lounge chair while you start the grill,

lots of meat, please – this carnivore must get their fill.

As darkness falls, ooh and ah – fireworks are a hit!

Though I must admit, the noise scares me a bit.

Please don’t be offended if I slink off to hide

I’ll be sure to come back, and get glued to your side.

I’ll keep my eyes on you, with my head on your knee

sorry to be a bother – these ears are so sensitive, you see.

Finally celebrations end, all settles down

And quiet falls all over our town.

As the fun of this special red, white, and blue day fades away

Please remember to give thanks for freedoms enjoyed each day.

Saluting our soldiers, always protecting us without fail

Giving us freedom! With respect and thanks, I’ll always wag my tail.


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