Doggie dental tips

Doggie dental tips

How often do you feed your dog, walk your dog, and even throw the ball for him? Probably every day, but how often are you brushing his teeth and taking him for dental checkups? Dogs, like people, need regular dental care to keep their teeth and gums healthy. There are plenty of bones and chew toys that promote plaque removal and fresh breath, and that’s a great place to start, but it’s not enough to keep your dog’s mouth healthy. Imagine only using breath mints and mouthwash instead of a toothbrush?

golden boy chewing on boneRegular dental exams are important for detecting problems you may not see. Many veterinarian offices offer dental care and cleaning. Most exams include X-rays which can detect problems below the gum line and help prevent more serious complications to your pets organs, such as the heart. If the idea of using anesthesia and putting your put under is not for you, there are many veterinarians who use a “holistic” approach meaning they don’t use anesthesia. This is often a safer approach for older dogs or dogs with kidney, liver or heart disease. Unlike humans, our pets can’t tell us if their teeth or gums hurt, that’s why preventative care is so important. The best thing you can do is talk to your veterinarian about a dental plan for your pet.

In addition to regular brushing and dental exams, there are many great dental chews available, but again, it’s important to take into account the condition of your dog’s teeth and the size of your dog. Ensure you monitor your dog’s progress as they work on dental chews or treats. Chew toys can be a good choice for your pet, especially if they chew through bones or edible dental treats too quickly.  3262MerylMiaAFPWith proper dental care and maintenance your dog can have healthy, white teeth well into their later years.

There is a wealth of information to be found on the Veterinary Oral Health Council website about treats, food and even the best toothbrush to prevent plaque.


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