Char and Ann Rescued From A Puppy Mill

The often forgotten moms

Does the term “puppy mill” conjure up an image of adorable puppies, yipping in delight, tails wagging excitedly as they lean into the palms of prospective adopters’ and lick them in the hopes of being chosen?  If so, set aside that illusion and prepare to be disillusioned since nothing could be further from the truth.

As outlined by the Humane Society of the United States, puppy mills are, in fact, inhumane high-volume breeding facilities that produce puppies for profit, where mother dogs spend their entire lives in cramped cages with little to no personal attention.  Considered livestock and treated as such, according to The Puppy Mill Project, a non-profit based in Chicago, “Dog farming” is a large part of the economy for many Amish communities, and according to the Project’s research, a single Amish breeder may have anywhere from 10 to over 1,000 dogs!

Allow us to introduce you then to Ann and Char, 6-year-old mothers who bore countless litters until they were no longer useful to their breeders. In late September, Char and Ann, along with 2 other mother dogs, were rescued from an Amish Puppy Mill and came to Florida where they were placed in loving foster homes with other goldens. Having first received the medical care they needed, they have started along the path to emotional rehabilitation and healing before ultimately finding the forever homes they so deserve. The other 2 moms went to GREAT Rescue, a golden rescue in Jacksonville.  Both rescues stepped in when GRRSWFl was unable to accept the dogs due to Hurricane Ian and the wide spread damage in their area.


“It is a challenge, but more than that, it is an honor, a blessing, and a rewarding experience to be able to foster a golden that has come from horrible conditions like Char”, says Char’s foster.

Because Char came from a puppy mill environment, probably living in a cage or confined area for her 6 years, she was not socialized so was scared;  everything is new to her – a house with doors, grass, a friendly human being.  She especially took to the foster’s golden who came from a terrible hoarding situation and had the same initial fears. The two of them seemed to click.

Thanks to the example of her three golden foster siblings, Char is growing increasingly comfortable in their company, but with patience and treats, Char is slowly learning to be a dog!

Diligently at work on mastering her commands, this sweet survivor is eagerly awaiting the day when she finds her happily-ever-after tail.  It will take months of confidence and training (once she will trust) to take Char from that puppy mill mom to blossom into the sweet and loving golden we know she is.

To read Char’s full bio and updates, click here!


“When Ann arrived over a month ago, she was carried out of the transporter’s car and placed on the grass of our front yard.  She army crawled across the grass while her eyes darted everywhere- terrified of her new surroundings”, said Ann’s foster mom.

In the days after Ann’s arrival at her foster home, it was evident that she was scared of everything- noises, sudden movements, people walking down the stairs, and people approaching her.  What they didn’t expect was her reaction to moving curtains, doors opening, televisions turning on, fans, lights and the even sight of doorways.  You could tell she had either never seen these things or associated them with negative experiences.  But surprisingly, Ann is accepting to human touch.  Even in her first days, she accepted and even sought out being pet, rubbed and brushed.

Although Ann’s progress has been slow and some big obstacles remain, she is a different dog from the day she arrived.  She now wags her tail, looks at you instead of looking away, she has learned her name and how to play.  Each day, we see more evidence of joy in her eyes and less evidence of the life she once had.

To read Ann’s full bio and updates, click here!



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